6 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organizational affiliations of Álvaro Iván Hurtado Chaparro with the persons below:
Héctor Aroquipa Velásquez
- Research Group in Numerical and Computational Methods, Graphic and Scientific Computing - Investigador externo
Person: Visiting Scholar
Alexandre Almeida Del Savio
- Research Group in Numerical and Computational Methods, Graphic and Scientific Computing
- Global Logistics and Supply Chain Management
- Exponential technologies Research Group - Responsable
- Circle of Materials Technology Studies
- Virtual Design and Construction Study Circle
- Civil Engineering School - Lecturer
Person: Researcher, Academic
Marko Antonio Lopez Bendezu
- Research Group in Numerical and Computational Methods, Graphic and Scientific Computing - Responsable
- Geotechnical Laboratory
- Civil Engineering School
Person: Researcher, Academic
Emilio Barchiesi
- Research Group in Numerical and Computational Methods, Graphic and Scientific Computing - Investigador externo
Ana Felícita Luna Torres
- Civil Engineering School - Coordinador del Área de Construcción
- Research Group in Numerical and Computational Methods, Graphic and Scientific Computing
- Exponential technologies Research Group
- CEBIM - Building Information Modeling Study Circle
Person: Researcher, Academic