6 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organizational affiliations of Alvaro Jesús Okumura Clark with the persons below:
Jordane Boudesseul
- Health Communication Research Group - Investigador externo
- Psychology, Well-being and Society research group - Investigador externo
Rosana Aurora Choy Vessoni
- Faculty of Psychology - Dean
- Psychology, Well-being and Society research group - Miembro
- Psychology School
Person: Researcher, Academic
Maria Del Carmen Espinoza Reyes
Person: Researcher
Diego Rafael García Rabines
- Psychology, Well-being and Society research group - Miembro
- Health Communication Research Group - Miembro
- Psychology School
Person: Academic
Angel Christopher Zegarra Lopez
- Psychology, Well-being and Society research group - Miembro
- Psychology School
- Semillero de investigación de Psicología y Salud Mental - Responsable
Person: Researcher