Ventas marítimas y confluencia contractual

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle (Contribution to Journal)peer-review

1 Scopus citations


It is estimated that ships transport about 80 % of world trade; in other words, these are goods transfers carried out by maritime mode. The maritime sale is a kind of sale and is understood as a form of distance commercial exchange. Originally, its dynamism has been closely related to the fluctuations inherent to international trade because of market opening policies or the adoption of protectionist measures. It is a known fact that in maritime sales the confluence of at least four types of contracts occurs: The sales contract, the transport contract, the documentary credit contract and the cargo insurance contract. This investigation analyzes the dynamics of maritime sales with emphasis on the main contract, which is the international sales contract, and approaches the state of the art in Peru
Translated title of the contributionMaritime sales and contractual confluence
Original languageSpanish
Pages (from-to)181-224
Number of pages44
JournalDerecho PUCP
Issue number86
StatePublished - Jun 2021


  • Cargo insurance
  • Documentary credit
  • International sales
  • Maritime sales
  • Maritime transport of goods


  • Article

OECD Category

  • Derecho

Ulima Repository Category

  • Derecho / Derecho comercial

Ulima Repository Subject

  • Comercio exterior
  • Contracts
  • Contratos
  • International trade
  • Shipping
  • Transporte marítimo

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