Offset Curve Tracing for Aid in Mesh Generation

Alexandre Almeida Del Savio, Marcio Rodrigues de Santi, Luiz Fernando Martha

Producción científica: Capítulo del libro/informe/acta de congresoArticulo (Contribución a conferencia)revisión exhaustiva


This paper introduces an offset curve tracing methodology, with a spurious region correction (Fig. 1), for geometrical modeling and mesh generation. This methodology was implemented by generating an offset curve-tracing library to be used in any desired contour or curve data. In order to validate the proposed methodology, and associated computer implementations, a series of practical examples of the use of the offset curve generation library to the restoration of geological profiles, and to the implementation of restrictions on a finite element mesh generation are presented. An additional objective of this paper is to describe the main developments of a robust offset curve-tracing library made on a userfriendly environment.
Idioma originalPortugués
Título de la publicación alojadaXXV CILAMCE - 25th Iberian Latin American Congress on Computation Methods in Engineering
EstadoPublicada - nov. 2004

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